A student may have used CompTIA materials previously and may already have a CompTIA Platform account with another academic organization. Instead of the student creating a new account for your facility, you can invite that individual to join your institution.
1. Click Students
2. Under Actions select Invite Students.
3. Type or copy/paste the student’s email address.
4. Click Next.
5. Click Invite.
6. A message has now been sent to the individual.
Once the student clicks Join Now from their email invitation, a login screen pops up. After the students logs in with their existing account, that individual will appear within the Students list (only those with administrator rights will be able to view this). However, the student can now enroll in their respective class as well as the instructor can invite the student to join their class.
Tip: Note: That this will not enroll the student in any specific class, only join that individual to your organization.