If you log into CertMaster through its login page, with a username and password, and not through your school portal, please visit this article instead.
Included with every subscription to a CertMaster product is a voucher to take its corresponding CertMaster Pro Certification exam. If you have taken one of these exams but didn't pass, you may purchase a retake voucher for $39.
Go to https://shop.testout.com/ and enter the price code: 14-339-AV (12-339-AZ for high school students) and then click Continue. Then select the exam voucher for the exam you wish to retake and proceed through checkout.
After you complete the purchase, go and open the email we will have sent you, copy the access key, and, in another tab, launch the link in your class page to your CertMaster certification exam again and enter the key when prompted.
In some cases, it may be necessary to instead launch into CertMaster through one of the non-certification-exam CertMaster module links within your school portal. After launching CertMaster , click the white home icon so that you are on your CertMaster account home page, then click the Add a Product button (it's to the far right of the My Products header) and paste in the voucher access key that was emailed to you. Click Activate. Now you will be able to retake the certification exam by using the link to it located on your class page in your school portal (you may need to refresh that page for it to work).
Rarely, after adding the voucher to your account, your teacher may need to manually schedule you to take the exam again or adjust the existing schedule. In those cases, once the instructor has scheduled you, you will be able to retake the exam from the Certifications tab on your account home page.
Note: If the semester is over or you no longer have access to your class page in the school portal, contact CertMaster Support and we can get you a username and password and enable your account to take certification exams without being scheduled by a teacher. Beware: Any certification exam taken with the certification exam schedule bypass will not report a score back to your instructor.