For your convenience, End-of-Chapter exam for Excel, PowerPoint, Word etc. are already created and ready for you to schedule. The scheduling process allows you to set a specific time where students can take an end-of-chapter exam. You may choose a specific day/time that correlates to a class period, so students take the assessment during class. Otherwise, you can select a time so students can take the assessment anytime within several days, a week, or a month. To schedule an end-of-chapter exam via Custom Quizzes, complete the following:
1. Click the Custom Quizzes tab
2. Click Filters.
3. Under Created By, select TestOut
- Please note you may see different exam versions, be sure to select the version that corresponds to your class.
4. Across from the exam click the Schedule Quiz link.
5. Click the arrow across from your respective class.
6. Select your option: 1) Set Class Schedule or 2) Add Custom Schedules.
Set Class Schedule
1. Enter available Start date/time.
2. Enter available End date/time. (
- Note: This start/end time is only the availability period that students can begin the assessment. All end-of-chapter exams will have a one-hour time limit once the exam has begun.)
3. If you want students to have more than one attempt, change the number in Limit the number of attempts. (If the box is unchecked, unlimited attempts are available.)
4. Click Require a password to access the assessment if you would like further security on your exam.
5. Type a Shared password or select Generate a unique password for each student.
6. Click Save.
7. Click Actions or Filters for additional options.
8. If you opted for a password, a lock appears across from the student’s names. Click on the lock to view/copy the password. Students must receive the password from their instructor. To download the passwords first check the Student box to select everyone. Under Actions select Download Password. Now open the downloaded file.
9. If you provided a student with a time extension, a clock appears. Click on the clock to view the additional time the student will have to complete the test.
10. Optionally, click Add Custom Schedule to change the schedule for a particular student.
11. Your class schedule is confirmed at the top, click Done.
Add Custom Schedules for Individuals
1. To add a schedule for one student - click the blue Add Custom Schedule link by the student’s name.
2. For multiple students - check the boxes by their names, click Actions, and select Add Custom Schedule.
3. Enter available Start date/time.
4. Enter available End date/time. (This start/end time is only the availability period students can begin the assessment. All end-of-chapter exams will have a one-hour time limit once the assessment has begun.)
5. If you want students to have more than one attempt, change the number in Limit the number of attempts. (If the box is unchecked unlimited attempts are available.)
6. Click Require a password to access the assessment if you would like further security on your assessment.
7. Type a Shared password or select Generate a unique password for each student.
8. Click Save.
9. Click Actions or Filters for additional options.
10. If you opted for a password, a lock appears across from the student’s name. Click on the lock to view/copy the password. Students must receive the password from their instructor. To download the passwords first check the Student box. Under Actions select Download Password. Open the downloaded file.
11. If you provided a student with a time extension a clock appears. Click on the clock to view the additional time the student will have to complete the assessment.
- As you can see, the students that I have scheduled are the only ones listed with a schedule. I can come back at a later date and schedule the other individuals.
12. Click Done.
The Schedule column will indicate if someone in the class has been scheduled. Click the blue link to view the schedule, make changes to the schedule, or to schedule another class.