If you log into CertMaster through links in your school portal, not using a CertMaster username and password, please visit this article instead.
Included with every subscription to a CertMaster product is a voucher to take its corresponding CertMaster Pro Certification exam. If you have taken one of these exams but didn't pass, you may purchase a retake voucher for $39.
Go to https://shop.testout.com/ and enter the price code: 14-339-AV (12-339-AZ for high school students) and then click Continue. Then select the exam voucher for the exam you wish to retake and proceed through checkout.
After you complete the purchase, go and open the email we will have sent you, and, in another tab, log into your CertMaster account and click the Add a Course button (located to the far right of the My Courses header) and paste in the voucher access key that was emailed to you. Click Activate.
After adding the voucher to your account, ask your teacher to schedule you again. Once the instructor has scheduled you, you will be able to retake the exam from the My Assessments tab on your account home page.
Note: CertMaster Support can enable the accounts of non-students and students whose classes have ended and will not be used as a part of a class grade to take the Pro Certification exams without being scheduled by an instructor. Beware: Any certification exam taken in this way will not report a score back to your instructor.
If your class has ended, you've have been studying on your own, or your Pro Certification exam is not going to be used by your class, feel free to contact CertMaster Support to have your certification exams enabled. To request these exams be enabled, visit our contact us page to submit a help request, Chat in, or call us. Be sure to state why you need CertMaster to schedule the exam as opposed to your instructor.