Tip #3 Teaching Aids, PowerPoints, Lesson Plans, etc.
CompTIA provides additional resources for instructors to help make implementation easier.
- Click Products.
Under the product graphic click Teaching Aids.
- Instructor PowerPoints can be downloaded and customized they provide presentations for each section topic in our courses.
- Course Outline provides an overview of the course contents listed by chapter and section including video times.
- Release Notes detail enhancements, fixes, and changes that were made with each course release listing those by activity type and index number.
- Lesson Plans offer lecture focus questions and outline what the students should be learning within each section topic including a total time estimate. Also, at the end of the document is a table with the approximate time listed for each section topic.
- Course Schedule Creator is an Excel spreadsheet that you can customize to the number of weeks your class meets for a breakdown of what students need to study week by week.
- Objective Mapping conveniently provides different layouts depending on how you wish to use section for your class. Such as showing the Domain objectives for a CompTIA A+ exam and the corresponding Learning Platform sections.
- Textbook Mappings outline the domain topics with the corresponding book chapter and matching Learning Platform sections. While a textbook is not required occasionally some instructors like to partner a book with the platform.
- Update Mappings provide a section outline showing a previous course version alongside the newer version to make it easy to see where changes were made in the outline.
Note: there may be resources not outlined here that are available for a course and resources outlined that don’t appear for a course.