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- Skills labs are designed to help learn basic competency.
- This lab type makes sure that students have successfully completed each required task one time without help.
- Each lab is a collection of multiple required tasks, presented one at a time. Students are asked to complete the first task, and can use any method they want to try to complete the task. We don’t force them to do it in one specific way. They can explore, experiment, and even make and correct mistakes.
- When they do the task right, they get a confirmation box (immediate feedback), and then they move to the next task.
- Help is available during the skills lab. After I ask for help, I’m required to do the task correctly. However, students don’t get “credit” for having done that task correctly, because the goal is to have them do every task without help. The program moves me to the next task in order, but to finish the lab successfully, students have to do that task again, without help.
- We recommend requiring students to complete these skills labs at 100%. They can close the lab and restart it, doing it multiple times. When they reopen the lab without scoring 100%, they have the option to start where they left off, completing only the tasks they hadn’t yet passed off.
- The skills labs are like setting a minimum bar of performance and then making sure the student has met that performance level.
Learning Tips
- The main purpose of the Applied labs is to give practice performing skills in a real-world scenario.
- Read the scenario carefully and focus on the purpose of the Office features you have learned up to that point.
- Watch the instructional videos first, then try to perform each task in the Skills lab without viewing the Hint or the Show Me video.
- If unable to perform a task without help, be sure to perform the task again after it is sent back to the end of the list.
Microsoft Office Certification Strategy
- Need to use all skill labs in each section to cover the objectives in a MOS exam
- Suggestion: Students need to be able to complete each skill before moving on to other labs. If possible, adjust your grading to be 100% or 0%. Because of skills lab have video hints, students can complete all tasks.
- Plan around 20 to 25 minutes for the average student to complete a skills lab.
Other Strategies
- Skills labs are optional depending on a student’s previous knowledge and training. However, challenge labs and applied labs would be graded.
Grading Strategies
- Highest Score
- 100% or 0
- No Score