You’ve probably asked yourself multiple times whether your students are prepared to take an industry certification exam or not. The last thing you want to have happen is for a student to take an exam prematurely and fail it. It can be hard for students overcome that issue and honestly, all we really want is for students to be confident and successful. The tips in this video will cover how to verify that your students are truly ready to take industry certification exams.
Access Certification Practice Exams
Under the listed chapters in the course outline, you’ll see a location where students can access the practice certification exam content to help prepare them for their exams including text lessons about exam objectives and about how to take the exam, practice domains, and a certification practice exam.
Certification Practice Exams Scores Report
Once students take Practice Certification Exams you can run reports for their scores.
On the instructor home page, under My School, and under Classes, you'll see a list of your classes.
Across from the class click on the More button (three dots), then select View Class Reports.
Select Certification Practice Exams Scores report to view your class roster with student’s attempts on those practice certification exams, and their scores and dates for those attempts.
- If students take the exam and consistently score a 90% or better, they should feel confident to go and do well on the live exam.